it's been stirring in

you all along!

What & Why QHHT?

What and Why?

What is a Session Like?

Will My Mind be Able to...?


Energy Shifts Everything



Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Take a profound inner journey guided by your Higher Self.

Autumn Leaves on a Brick House Facade

Living Unboxed

Discussions about the "activation energy" which invites, incites and allows transformation.

Friends Jumping at Beach

DISCOVER! a date with your soul

Quantum Healing

Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)

QHHT is the ultimate "me time!" Explore your inner workings, meet your Higher Self, find the root cause of puzzling lifelong problems, understand your purpose, find direction.

Experience a deeply relaxing hypnosis session that brings you information, healing, and keys to unboxing your life.


yourself ...

it's been stirring in

you all along!

Healing events reported with the use of QHHT are astounding!

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)?

You may have heard others talk about guided visualization, hypnosis, dreamwork, or soul travel, QHHT is one of these techniques developed by Delores Cannon.

The QHHT journey is different for everyone, but it usually involves exploring several past lifetimes and connecting with your higher spirit in order to receive answers to questions and also invite healing for the body / soul.

What outcomes can I expect with QHHT?

As varied as humanity is, sessions and outcomes

can be just as varied.

Although miraculous healings and profound revelations are reported, even so-called "ordinary" sessions can hold powerful insights and healing.

What & Why QHHT?

What is a Session Like?

Will My Mind be Able to...?

How safe is QHHT?


it's been stirring in

you all along!

Cliffside View of the Lake
Green Wooden Door

What happens during a QHHT session?

In short, we will discuss the reasons why you came and any questions that you might have for your higher self.

Then I will begin with your permission.

You will lay back and become comfortable. Then I will invite you to close your eyes and relax. I will guide you to enter a deep, daydream-like state. I will invite you to speak out loud and you will describe your experience as you are guided. After some time exploring where your inner self leads you, I will then invite you to hear from your own Higher Self, which has many levels of Being. Your own consciousness will take you exactly where you need to go. Finally, we ask your Higher Self for healing, alignment, and well-being enhancement.

When you awaken, we talk about what you remember about the session.

I record your session once we pass the induction* stage using my phone and I will send the recording to you immediately after our session.

*(some describe hypnosis like falling into a daydream)


QHHT is something we do together. I am truly honored to go on this journey with you. - Barbara

What & Why QHHT?

What is a Session Like?

Will My Mind be Able to...?

How safe is QHHT?

Happy Man on the Top of the World

… there are no limitations

unless you

create them yourself.

Anything is possible

– Delores Cannon

it's been stirring in

you all along!

About Me

it's been stirring in

you all along!

main office

Hamilton, HJ


Invite Me!

I am available for groups

for past life meditation.

Book me for gatherings in your home or studio.


Red and Blue Entrance Doors

QHHT is something we do together.

I am truly honored to go on this journey with you.

- Barbara

social media

Coming soon






e-mail at


Brown Wooden Opened Door Shed